Absolute perfection
Absolute perfection
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"I'm busy Mom"
"I'll call you later"
There is really no winning after that is there?
There's no winning at all! Just like real life!
Given you get a new weapon that can cut tree trunks at the end and there were plenty of tree trunks on my adventure, you'd figure I could actually continue the game after beating Dad. Oh well, nice game either way. Had a great hour playing it.
PS: Your Newground medal call can be done after you press "continue". I wasn't logged at the time and could not acquire it.
That was the idea from the beginning going back and cutting some trunks to continue further. I even had plans for more bosses and even more powers. Sometimes things don't go so well. We had to cut some stuff out and this is the result.
Thank you for wasting your hour with my game. :)
Amazing game. After weeks playing I finally beat it. I also couldn't help myself and completed all medals. Just a heads up though: the 24 hours medal from Newgrounds is not working. I got all medals but that one. It works in the game (I have 100/100) but its not triggering on the website.
I see the 24h medal in your profile.
Congratulations for the 100 points, only 375 people have it.
The slow down is a common problem with Flash games. Its fixable by developers, but its not an easy task. Aside from that problem (which is fixable by saving and refreshing the browser) this is a perfect 30 min metrovania game.
thank you for your understanding. glad you like it.
The control issue
Very creative and innovative, but you have to somehow fix those controls. The jumping is very awkward which can drive you nuts pass level 25+.
The problem is basically because once you jump you can't "stop moving" in mid air. You have to move around here and there, and most people aren't used to this scenario.
I've added a toggle so you can switch between the current jumping system and a new one where you stop moving in mid air. Should appear online soon. thanks for the helpful review.
Prize for best flash game of 2008!!
It is in fact the best arcade beat 'em up of all times. As soon as I started playing I got the feeling I was there for a blast. I dunno if I actually played the game for the pleasure of beating generic bad guys in a diagonal side screen or just try eating pretty much everything I had my eyes on. And the story, omg seriously, it IS awesome. A messed up dialog with crazy gimmicks and surprisingly awesome ending! Now my only complain is probably this: I WANTED MORE! I know, I know, there is a character select screen after you beat the game, but I would love to see a different story (well to be honest with you I didn't go all the way to the end with the yellow guy to picture what he would do at the end since you HAVE to eat stuff). Another interesting feature to add would be a showdown head-to-head or even a survival mode, but I guess you can do that in the sequel (there will be one RIGHT????)
Well kudos for you. If it was up to me you would get every conceivable prize for game making.
Well this is kind of over-praisal but OK.
Y'know what- I thought about a survival mode. I could just have enemies drop into a Fight Club basement, like they do on the elevator level. Of course level 1 would be like 1 guy, then level 2; 3 guys would drop in, then level 3; Fisty etc.
By the end o the game though I was just so exhausted and tired of it. Alos there's nothing left to reward the player with- I can't make a survival mode for it now then give you nothing for beating it. That'd suck.
Several small issues make this game a "could be"
Well it has some BIG problems with collision detection. Not because it collides when the ship doesn't, but in the way you made it, the ship somehow is either too big or an exploding animation can still hit you even thou the mine is already destroyed.
The other problem I find is that even thou the game is supposedly focused on multitasking, any one could easily get a second person in the keyboard to control the other ship while both of you mash the space bar.
Still, a creative experience. 7/10.
Yes, several things you mentioned (like the effect on the explosion possible to damage you) are intentional. The game is also supposed to be versatile enough that not only a single player can enjoy it but also two people as well. I'll probably make an Aqua Bots+ and address everyones mentioned suggestions.
Age 43, Male
Joined on 5/28/04