Never gets boring: Monkeys, balloons, game style
Oh yeah. This game style has been done ever since DOS :) Still it never gets boring. Another great addition of Ninjakiwi. Ballons and monkeys never gets old :D
Never gets boring: Monkeys, balloons, game style
Oh yeah. This game style has been done ever since DOS :) Still it never gets boring. Another great addition of Ninjakiwi. Ballons and monkeys never gets old :D
Creepy and hard
Wow this game is hard. Much harder then Dark Cut 2, much harder to understand the small hints, and omg do people die fast or what? But I can understand when a chick has a broken foot and is missing a leg lol.
Clunky controls puts it down.
Love the idea of 3D finally being well presented on flash, but this game just gave me headaches feelings rather then fun game play. Turning around was clunky, and shoot the enemies was just a pain. I don't say this about many games, but I was glad the game was quick. I think I just played the whole thing because of the environmental graphics and atmosphere.
First time for everything :D
The only thing I didn't get was why the game so easy as it progressed. The game has a magnificent presentation, colors and graphics, but as the game progressed I barely had to move to shoot the enemies. And I have no idea why, but on the last boss I was completely invincible for the entire level lol. Still, if that was your objective, then cudos cause the game was still fun :)
I would have loved some sort of ending thou.
Are we that stupid?
I liked, creative as every other wario party clone, which is always fun. problem is: YOU THREAT US LIKE RETARDED! Jesus man do you really have to make a slow 10-15 seconds tutorial to teach us how to use arrows on a key board? Couldn't you just make an icon as the game starts or even a message saying "CONTROL!" or "MOUSE + SPACE BAR! SMASH!" or "PICK UP THAT CHICK". Belive me man. If u think those would have been to vague, go play 4 seconds madness or the eternal Wario sequels. But if you did that on propose, well, this game should have been on disney website not NG
Man this game is cool. Quite innovating. To bad it doesn't quite work so well. I was so close to beat it and get to the highest ladder and all of a sudden one of my jumps got me stuck to a pile of bodies and I couldn't move or shoot. Even thou, very nice game. Also make it so we can submit our score from here :/
A great game. A greater shame
LOL at someone who said the game is "harder" then before. Dude I beated the game in a matter of minutes and didn't even break a sweat. Hack the hardest part was facing the wizard and his "ressurectable" monster, and that wasn't even that hard, cause only after that I figured I could just spam 20 archers and hold shift while tanking every mob and my guys would never even take a hit. I could swear I was somehow in "easy" mode but then I realized it was the only mode lol. And yeah, as everyone mentioned before, it is nearly impossible to follow the story due to the long boring and SLOW cutscenes. I was actually trying hard to follow the storyline, but seriously, not even a "skip" throu a dialog? Kinda like "press spacebar to skip this guy talking". There were only 2 options: Either read everything in slow motion or completely skip the story. Well I don't think ANYONE read the whole thing, which is a shame cause it looked kinda cool.
And FOR PETE SAKE MAKE an update to your game to make it HARDER! The last boss was literely patheric. I had nearly 3000 gold on me and all I had to do was hold shift and space bar while I had 20 archers behind me spamming arrows.
To sum up: Easy game (u managed to make it even easier then the first one), impossible to read the story, repetitive and way too fast considering the gold and speed of your units. The average time of each mission was around 30-40 seconds, which is a shame considering the game schematics are so well done. 6/10 for the shame of making a game so perfect and yet so easy.
Prize for best flash game of 2008!!
It is in fact the best arcade beat 'em up of all times. As soon as I started playing I got the feeling I was there for a blast. I dunno if I actually played the game for the pleasure of beating generic bad guys in a diagonal side screen or just try eating pretty much everything I had my eyes on. And the story, omg seriously, it IS awesome. A messed up dialog with crazy gimmicks and surprisingly awesome ending! Now my only complain is probably this: I WANTED MORE! I know, I know, there is a character select screen after you beat the game, but I would love to see a different story (well to be honest with you I didn't go all the way to the end with the yellow guy to picture what he would do at the end since you HAVE to eat stuff). Another interesting feature to add would be a showdown head-to-head or even a survival mode, but I guess you can do that in the sequel (there will be one RIGHT????)
Well kudos for you. If it was up to me you would get every conceivable prize for game making.
Well this is kind of over-praisal but OK.
Y'know what- I thought about a survival mode. I could just have enemies drop into a Fight Club basement, like they do on the elevator level. Of course level 1 would be like 1 guy, then level 2; 3 guys would drop in, then level 3; Fisty etc.
By the end o the game though I was just so exhausted and tired of it. Alos there's nothing left to reward the player with- I can't make a survival mode for it now then give you nothing for beating it. That'd suck.
Hilarious and amazing
haha amazing. I dont even know how I beat the last boss but this game is by far the most creative piece of art I ever played in my life. KUDOS, my favorite artist for now on.
It gets hard. oh boy it does.
Very creative with an amazing spacial perspective. But the game gets real hard real quick. When I got to TRAPEZOID I honestly gave up, cause I new what it was but I had no idea what was the name of that geometrical form lol. Well thats why Google finds you some walkthrough :D
Age 43, Male
Joined on 5/28/04